Apesar de eu preferir e dedicar meu tempo livre as atividades que tanto aprecio: longos papos (muitas risadas e aprendizado) com amigos queridos, filmes e livros acompanhados por boa música, qualquer folia com o garotão me agrada, assim, após várias tentativas frustradas consegui acertar minha senha. Lá encontrei pedidos acumulados para ingresso no meu profile, de alguns amigos e de pessoas desconhecidas também, afinal, esse é o propósito dos sites de relacionamento: De certa forma conhecer pessoas, mesmo que jamais as encontremos. Quase todos os sites interessantes têm link para o facebook (as matérias e cartoons da publicação The New Yorker podem ser divulgados como favoritos e a reuters criou no facebook seu grupo sobre o aquecimento global). Pessoas de inúmeras nacionalidades estão no facebook, por isso, fui contatada por uma garota muito bonita da ilha de Rodes e três garotos com o sobrenome igual ao meu. Fiquei surpresa com essa coincidência inédita: é a primera vez que 'encontro' alguém com o meu sobrenome - oriundo de família pequena com poucos descendentes.
Meio cuidadosa pretendo deixar alguma mensagem para identificar a origem comum - não seria possível os três terem criado avatares com o mesmo sobrenome, ou, uma criatura ter todo esse trabalho... Enfim, a internet é muito divertida, amplia nosso conhecimento, nos conecta ao mundo em tempo real, nos aproxima das pessoas que moram longe, mas, infelizmente, também pode ser utilizada de forma errada.
O facebook está cheio de aplicativos, algumas novidades, não tem o jeitão antipático e desagradável de sites semelhantes e confesso que me diverti com os seguintes testes bobinhos que encontrei:
Which classic Hollywood actress are you? You're Audrey Hepburn! You're a real original. You have charm, elegance and sophistication. You enchant everyone who comes in contact with you. You are capable of setting trends without even knowing it, and yet your style is always classic. You know how to stand in the spotlight, but you also know when to gracefully step out of it. You're a humanitarian and you'll spend much your life and influence helping others.
Which decade are you? 1940’you are quite the glamorous revolutionary! You have a sense of pride in everything that you take on, whether it's filling in to do a man's job during wartime or raise your daughters to step up to the challenge of helping to establish women's rights, you take things head on! You are a hard worker and are always looking out for others. Your style centers around clean lines and timeless designs. Women in the 40s had the same sense of pride in their bodies and dressed in a way that accentuated their figures! You are not one to stand by and let things happen to you, you go after what you want and you are respected and admired for it!
What work of literature are you? Huckleberry Finn. You are an adventurous old soul trapped in a child's body... and yet, still so innocent, despite all of your mischief. You yearn for a simpler time, for days riding down the river alone with your thoughts, left to contemplate the big world that lies all around you that you only concern yourself with when it's full of excitement. You live in a world that is full of rigid tradition, but hell, you don't care. Now, hush up and ride off in to the sunset, after all, it's a happy ending you're after.
Which liquor are you? Grey goose vodka.
What era of art history do you belong to? Red wine, stimulating conversation and a love of the arts
is your cup of tea or cappucino! You love cultured people, places and events and you are the real renaissance thinker. You wish that you could either be a Botticelli woman or Michelangelos David to be admired by all.
Gosto muito de Audrey Hepburn e estranharia se no resultado aparecesse alguma sexy platinum blonde girl. Considero a década de quarenta bem interessante e tenho especial carinho pela década de sessenta. A Renascença é a época da história que mais aprecio, mas um dry Martini ou uma taça de vinho seriam respostas mais condizentes com o meu jeito - se é que bebida tem o jeito de quem quer que seja.
Huckleberry Finn trouxe adoráveis lembranças por ser o livro mais apreciado na minha meninice e por ter me aberto o mundo literário de Mark Twain.
Por mim Brad Pitt ficaria com Jennifer Anniston, o tipo loiro com olhos azuis não é o que me atrai, e George Clooney (ou Jim Caviezel, ou Clive Owen, ou Gerard Butler, ou Hugh Jackman) seria feliz ao meu lado na vila às margens do lago Como. Se a música dos Beatles tivesse sido Here comes the sun eu teria ficado realmente impressionada, mas o 'empate técnico' entre Across the universe e Hey Judge não diz muito, salvo na lembrança dos ombros que eram super carregados e aprendem a apreciar inédita leveza.
Which celebrity would play you in a movie of your life? Jennifer Anniston. The ultimate girl next door. You always want to do the right thing and never want to disappoint another. You behaviour is very important to you.
Which celebrity should you marry? You should marry Brad Pitt. You like that blonde-blue-eyed hunk next door type. He's your soul mate.
For Beatles lovers:
Which Beatles music are you? Across the universe - Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup. They slither while they pass they slip away across the universe. Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind, possessing and caressing me. Nothing's gonna change my worl. Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes.They call me on and on across the universe.Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box.They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe. Nothing's gonna change my world. Sounds of laughter, shades of love are ringing through my opened ears, inciting and inviting me. Limitless undying love, which shines around me like a million suns and calls me on and on across the universe. Nothing's gonna change my world. / Hey, Jude, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better. Remember, to let her into your heart, then you can start, to make it better. Hey, Jude, don't be afraid,you were made to go out and get her, the minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better. And anytime you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain, don't carry the world upon your shoulders. For well you know that it's a fool, who plays it cool,by making his world a little colder. Hey, Jude, don't let me down,you have found her now go and get her,remember to let her into your heart,then you can start to make it better. So let it out and let it in, hey, Jude, begin, you're waiting for someone to perform with. And don't you know that is just you? Hey, Jude, you'll do, the movement you need is on your shoulder. Hey, Jude, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better, remember to let her under your skin, then you'll begin to make it better (better, better, better, better, better)
Por falar em across the universe, este é o link do musical de 2007, que vale a pena assistir: http://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/acrosstheuniverse/
Acompanho a carreira de Evan Rachel Wood desde o seriado Once and Again, de 1999, e sempre chamou minha atenção seu jeito de interpretar e, principalmente, de cantar.
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